Happy Star Wars Day Everyone! Today we are celebrating by announcing our category winners for our Windows into the Multiverse Writing Contest! We had so many quality submissions that there are a record 6 winners this time around. Be on the lookout for each of these authors' websites/social media handles in the upcoming Summer Edition.
Allegory Winner - "The Cost of Pride" by Cara Ruegg
Fairy Tale Winner - "Tiny Blessings" by C.S. Wachter
Fantasy Winner - "Fate Enchantment" by K.M. Carroll
Inspirational Winner - "Lesson on the Beach" by Rhi Landis
Romance Winner - "I Promise" by Sarah Ryder
Science Fiction Winner - "The Fairest One of All" by Kristin Lim
This Contest is Sponsored by Strangers and Aliens, a Podcast By Ben Avery Exploring Faith and Imagination, at strangersandaliens.com (Facebook & YouTube).
All of our winners will be receiving a special certificate, a $25 Amazon Gift Card, and a 1 Column Author Ad. Speaking of advertising, if you are interested in advertising in the upcoming Summer Edition 2023 we must know by May 13th! Author/Book Events start at just $5 and all advertising is very reasonably priced. Please check out our website's "Pricing Guide" page for sizes and prices. As always, Book Review Submissions are open under "Submissions".
Beachy Bookstagram Contest: Voting has begun and will go through May 13th. We have three lovely Bookstagrams for you to choose from, and make sure that you stop by to vote for your favorite once a day!
This Contest is Sponsored by Author Pam Halter and Author Jessica Bertrand. You can find Pam Halter's books at PamHalter.com and Jessica Bertrand's books at JessicaBertrand.com
Free Ebook Fridays: Snag your free Print Replica Ebook on Amazon! May 5th (Winter Edition 2022), May 12th (Spring Edition 2023), May 19th (Winter Edition 2021), and May 26th (Spring Edition 2022)
May your day be bright and your reading be epic!
~ Amy Lynn McConahy, Clean Fiction Publisher
This Week's Community Activity:
Submit Your Book Cover
Can a cover DESIGNER participate? Of course. Can an author participate even if they did not design their cover? Yep. Is there a limit on the number of covers that I submit? Please, only send one cover per person/design company. Does it matter what genre the book is? No, but keep it clean! Submissions will begin May 1 and go through May 13. (Submissions are completely FREE) Voting will begin May 15 and go through May 27. Simply email info@cleanfictionmagazine.com the following: Your Cover Art (In JPG format), Your Name, the Name of the Cover Designer, Title/Author of the Book (if it is not clearly visible in the image), Your Website/Social Media, and an Email Address (for contact purposes).​
This Contest is Sponsored by K.M. Carroll, Esther Wallace, and by Lisa Loucks-Christenson. Find Carroll's fantastic books at kmcarrollblog.wordpress.com, Wallace's books/art at theblackphantomchronicles.com and The Cougar Creek Herald Series by Loucks-Christenson at cougarcreekminnesota.com.
Patreon: patreon.com/cleanfiction
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cleanfiction
Clean Fiction Merch: https://www.redbubble.com/people/sirensmuse/shop?asc=u
Clean Fiction Community Discord: https://discord.gg/yetJ9ZpGED