It is true, your eyes are not deceiving you, Clean Fiction Magazine's Winter Edition earned a #1 New Release in Literary Criticism Reference on Amazon. I was blown away with the number of downloads and Kindle Unlimited reads that have come in over the last month. Currently, we are at 111 downloads/buys/full reads on KDP. This is so exciting and I am feeling extremely blessed by the positive feedback that I have received. We currently have 5 cumulative 5 star ratings, which again is so encouraging.
I would like to thank all of you for your support and for your downloads/purchases/reads. Readers are why we work so hard and building this community has been a pleasure. I am so enjoying sharing that community with you and I am anticipating the next steps on this journey with eagerness!
This Week's Community Activity:
Read - Rate - Review
It is time to return the favor! The magazine is FREE on Kindle Unlimited and very reasonable as an ebook/paperback. If you have read the Winter Edition and like what you see, please, rate and review. If you haven't read the Winter Edition yet, give it a try! The authors and reviewers who are featured spent a lot of time and effort to create wonderful books/reviews for you to read and enjoy. I implore you to give them a read. I believe that you will be pleasantly surprised! Indie publishing isn't the wild west that it used to be.
PS There will be no newsletter for two weeks due to the Christmas holiday and New Years. We are starting January 1st with a BANG and two (count them...TWO) contests. The Best Bookstagram Contest information can be found at our website under "Contest" now, but the "Windows Into the Multiverse" contest is found in the Winter Edition. This writing contest has a submission period that spans the month of January. If you are a writer or a bookstagramer, you will not want to miss your chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card! Feel free to send questions to