I decided to show our newsletter subscribers and blog readers some extra love today! It is time to announce the winners of the Windows into the Multiverse Writing Contest! A whole day early! I also want to give a special thank you to our sponsors for this contest. This Contest was Sponsored By Ambassador International (Books that Magnify the Lord Jesus Christ) at ambassador-international.com and Strangers and Aliens, a Podcast Exploring Faith and Imagination, at strangersandaliens.com (Facebook & YouTube). Show these sponsors some love! And now for our winners. We had three winners this time around and they all did a wonderful job! Congratulations! I also wanted to thank everyone who sent in their lovely stories. I can't wait to read even more from all of you!
Windows Into the Multiverse Writing Contest Spring 2023 Winners
Allegory Winner: "One" by Lauren Smyth
Science Fiction Winner: "Oceans of Iniquity" by C. E. Stone
Fantasy Winner: "The Sea of Uncertainty" by Kristin Lim
May your day be bright and your reading be epic!
~ Amy Lynn McConahy, Clean Fiction Publisher

Clean Fiction Cover Design Contest: There are only two days left to submit your images for the Clean Fiction cover! We only have 4 submissions so far and would love to have more. The image does not have to be new and can be from an artist's backlog or previously published somewhere else (as long as you still retain the rights).
​How Do I Enter?
The submission period is January 30th-February 11th. Email your submission to info@cleanfictionmagazine.com along with the following information: Your Name, The Name of the Artwork, Social Media Handle/Art Website, and an Email Address (for contact purposes only). Voting will be February 13th-25th and the Grand Prize Winner will be announced along with the Cover Reveal on March 1st.
What is the Grand Prize? $50
This Contest is Sponsored by Author K.M. Carroll (Find her books at KMCarrollBlog.Wordpress.com) and Author Jessica Bertrand (Find her books at JessicaBertrand.com).

Cover Art Contest: Voting has begun and will run through February 11th. There are only three more days to vote! The current leader is Cover Art 3 with a total of 175 votes. This cover for "The Depths of Atlantis" by Hannah Carter was made by MiblArt. Follow Hannah on Instagram: mermaidhannahwrites. This contest is sponsored by Peacock Books & Wildlife Art where you can find books & photographs curated & produced by Lisa Loucks-Christenson (peacockbookswildlifeart.com) and Author Joan Fennell Carringer, fast-moving stories with sweet romance and a touch of humor (joanfennellcarringer.com).
Meet Our New Reviewer: Alexandria Miracola is our new Historical Fiction Reviewer! She is also contributing to our Fantasy Section due to Samantha Nelson being on temporary hiatus. She owns a Christian publishing company called 2125 Books: A home for stories about Him and the good things He does. You can find out more about her and her business at 2125Books.org, Facebook: 2125books, & Instagram: 2125books.
This Week's Community Activity:
FREE Fridays
February 10th - Autumn Edition 2022
February 17th - Winter Edition 2021
February 24th - Spring Edition 2022
March 3rd - Autumn Edition 2022
You can find them all here: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B09THY3TH3

Patreon: patreon.com/cleanfiction
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cleanfiction
Clean Fiction Merch: https://www.redbubble.com/people/sirensmuse/shop?asc=u
Clean Fiction Community Discord: https://discord.gg/yetJ9ZpGED