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Free Ebook and Exciting News

There are only two more days to snag your FREE Ebook copy of the Winter Edition 2021. "But why would I want a past edition?" You might say. Well, the business information, reviews, puzzles, and articles don't go bad and are still a great resource to fill your TBR pile with wonderful books, authors, and presses. Really, the transient nature that usually is involved with a magazine does not apply to Clean Fiction Magazine. Why? We don't care what year a book came out. We just care that it is good and will continue to be good for as long as an author will offer it. That is why we will continue to offer past editions for your reading pleasure for FREE as often as we can.

That being said, I have another chance at something FREE coming this Monday, March 14th. My husband is starting a 3D Printing business and his abilities combined with my art skills makes me feel like we are a power couple (Insert image of eye masks, capes, and epic music here...though, no spandex please...seriously, no one wants to see that!). Though he has taken to calling them Clean Fiction Golden Tickets (even though they are orange), I am happy to put these three specially printed 3D bookmarks up for grabs. He doesn't have any more of this color filament so this is really a one time thing when it comes to the color.

How do you win a bookmark? See this week's Community Activity below.

~ Amy Lynn McConahy, Clean Fiction Publisher

This Week's Community Activity:

Win a Golden Ticket

Be the first three people to order a paperback copy of Clean Fiction: Spring Edition 2021, and you will win a Clean Fiction Golden Ticket.* The price of the paperback edition will be $16.99 due to us adding 27 EXTRA PAGES of content, but I promise that the quality makes the price worth every penny. On Monday, March 14th in the morning I will be toddling down the stairs at around 6am EDT (Don't forget to set your clocks ahead this Sunday!) and jumping onto KDP to press the publish button on the paperback. For the math people out there, I am going to give you as much information as I can to estimate what time this will be for you. I live in Western Pennsylvania (so 6am my time), Amazon will make me go through the manual proofreading checks (which may take up to a half hour), and then Amazon will take it's sweet time sending the book to final launch (Which according to them could be days, but really is usually only a couple of hours.). After you have purchased your paperback, snap a photo of your receipt and send it to I will be camping my email that day so you should know if you are a winner pretty quickly. I hope that I get the first edition, but honestly if you guys are tenacious I might not get it this time. Good luck and be thankful that this does not require unwrapping copious amounts of chocolate!

* Sorry only shipping to the US and Canada. UNLESS you are going to be at the Realm Makers Conference in July. If you are international, I could give you the bookmark then.

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