TA DA! Behold the Clean Fiction: Spring Edition 2022 cover! This cover was a labor of love. It features a character from my upcoming book, "Cadogan" (Coming later this year). Her name is Eseiwi which means "Good is Not Lost". Each piece of this image is symbolic, but to explain it would also include spoilers for the book. So, instead I will explain a little bit about the first image that appeared on a Clean Fiction cover.

The woman in the image on the cover of the Winter Edition is Audrianna, the main character in my book "Dreamlight". She is caught between two sides of a war in the island country of Andona. In a land where your allegiance is shown in your eye color, her dual-hued eyes are reflected by a dual-hued dress. The delicate tracery of vines that are reaching for her is the representation of God's love reaching toward her. When you look to her other hand, you find it bound. Bound by the darkness magic that has held her captive since birth. The book itself is themed "Finding Hope in the Darkness", and consequently that is the theme of the image as well. Both images are 11"x14" acrylic paintings. I can use a future update to talk more about the process if you would be interested. You can find a downloadable/printable image of Audrianna in the Members Only portion of the website. The image of Eseiwi will also be available soon. In a short note about the future, I would like the artists among you to be on the look out for a contest to design the cover of the Autumn Edition.
Speaking of contests, WE HAVE A WINNER! Congratulations to Linda Brendle for winning the Cover Art Contest! You can find her and more of her books at https://lifeaftercaregiving.wordpress.com/

~ Amy Lynn McConahy, Clean Fiction Publisher
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Wonderful Reads for the Quirky & Discerning Book Lover Clean Fiction magazine strives to place amazing CLEAN FICTION in the hands of those who would enjoy it. We specialize in Indie Fiction and Small Presses which means that the books you find here you may not find anywhere else. If you are interested in reading a Christian based publication that reviews and promotes both religious fiction as well as clean secular fiction, you have found the right magazine. So, dear reader, I welcome you. To something unique. To books that are more than fluff. To books that work to fight back the darkness. To books that will inspire you to be better, do better. To books that will ask the hard questions in a safe space. To books that will have your imagination glowing long into the night. And the best part? There is more to come.
NOTE: Clean Fiction magazine is a publication made by adults who love clean fiction for adults who love clean fiction. The focus of this magazine is on the “New Adult” genre and it is not meant for teenagers. Find Clean Fiction! CleanFictionMagazine.com Facebook: Clean Fiction Magazine (Group) Instagram: @cleanfiction Goodreads: Clean Fiction (Group)
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