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#1 New Release

We have done it AGAIN! 7 for 7 we have been #1 New Release on Amazon at the time of launching our magazine, and this time was no exception! I was worried yesterday that the new genre sorting system that Amazon is now forcing on everyone was going to hurt both our sales and our stats, but it turns out these worries were unfounded. One of our Discord members shot me a message this morning full of congratulations on hitting #1 once again. We are currently sitting pretty at #7 overall in Consumer Guides on Amazon and I owe all of this to you, the Clean Fiction Community. Thanks guys! We have even received our first 5-star review! I am feeling beyond blessed this morning. If you want to support the spread of our magazine, please share our brand-new Autumn Edition 2023 with your family, friends, and followers. Our reviewers, authors, columnists, devotion writers, and cartoonists have worked hard to produce a magazine that will fill your shelves with wonderful reads. If you want to skip the Amazon purchase, consider subscribing to our magazine directly ( It is slightly cheaper and we earn more when you subscribe directly. If you prefer to purchase our magazine through Amazon, NBD! You can find our newest release here:

May your day be bright and your reading be epic!

~ Amy Lynn McConahy, Clean Fiction Publisher

This Week's Community Activity:

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Don't forget to leave a review on either Amazon or Goodreads to help us grow our readership! If YOU love our magazine, chances are others will too!

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